become a fellow

Gain Critical Professional Experience. Serve Your Community. Save on College. 

We are looking for UCR students who are passionate about community service and are looking for an opportunity to gain hands-on work experience. Fellows can earn up to $7,000 in living allowance stipend and up to $3,000 education award. Fellows can choose to serve in one of three focus areas: Climate Action, Education, and Food Insecurity. 

Applications for 2024-2025 are now open! Check out our how to apply page! 

Application link can also be found here: 

My experience has been so eye opening, I am learning more than I could have ever expected about education and being in the classroom. I am so grateful to be a part of this program and to be able to have these experiences. This entire program has and will continue to change my teaching journey for the better

Kandice Pasquarella
UCR College Corps Education Fellow


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